Welcome to our blog dedicated to you, the professional supporting a child with hearing loss. Here you will find a wealth of informative listening and spoken language topics, along with recommendations you can apply to your students. Whether you’re a speech-language pathologist, teacher of the deaf, early interventionist or audiologist, or if you simply have a professional interest in supporting children who are deaf and hard of hearing, you’ve come to the right place for insights you can apply in your own setting.
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The listening box is a go-to activity for early intervention Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) providers. Let’s dive into the what, why and ...

Behavior is everything that living organisms do and how they interact with the environment. This includes how people move, what people say and ...

Children learn to talk through listening, and detection is first in the hierarchy of auditory skills. Detection is the ability to determine when ...

Reading aloud is a fun and engaging way to introduce and practice theme vocabulary and language concepts to children with hearing loss. There ...

For children with hearing loss, consistent and appropriate amplification is at the forefront of every professional’s mind when it comes to ...

The confusion matrix is part of our free set of data collection sheets to be used during auditory development activities, like those found in ...

If a child is mispronouncing a word, does he perceive the difference between his production and the correct pronunciation of the word? A child’s ...

We are excited to announce that CID has recorded the SPICE stimuli associated with the listening box toys, large picture cards and small picture ...

You hear the crack of the bat; it’s a grand slam and the crowd goes wild! Baseball games and summertime just go together. However, noise-induced ...

It is often hard to put into words how impactful it is to work with children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Some of the greatest rewards I ...

Services for children who are deaf and hard of hearing vary greatly in the field of education. In the hope of gaining more perspective on this ...

In the field of education, many assumed roles have changed in recent years. Amongst the changes, one truth remains, to effectively serve ...