
Vocabulary Acquisition for Academic Success

Vocabulary Acquisition for Academic Success

Audience: Teachers of the deaf, itinerant teachers, pediatric speech-language pathologists, special education teachers

Children with hearing loss often struggle with academic subjects, like math, science and social studies, because they haven’t developed the skills needed to comprehend critical vocabulary and use it correctly.  This course, Vocabulary Acquisition for Academic Success, explains a process used to help students who are deaf and hard of hearing improve their vocabulary and language skills in content areas.  This process includes: determining the student’s language and vocabulary levels; identifying vocabulary targets based on curriculum and state standards and effective methods to plan and teach lessons targeting content vocabulary words and concepts.


  • Determining a student’s present vocabulary and language levels
  • How to identify instructional targets
  • Considerations for planning vocabulary lessons
  • Teaching structured vocabulary lessons
  • Promoting student carryover of vocabulary words and concepts

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Participants will be able to:

  • Determine the child’s current vocabulary and language skills related to content areas
  • Identify the vocabulary and language skills needed based on learning standards and curricula
  • Design lesson plans and develop material for vocabulary development
  • Teach lessons that elicit target vocabulary

LENGTH: Approximately 30 minutes

Continuing Education Credits

ACAX Brand Block Print Color Long

.5 LSLS CEUs, AG Bell Academy




Julie Deno, MA, CED
Financial: Ms. Deno is a Teacher of the Deaf on the staff at CID.
Non-financial: No relevant non-financial relationship exists.

CID- Central Institute for the Deaf has developed and published a language assessment tool trademarked as TAGS (Teacher Assessment of Grammatical Structures). This presentation will reference, but not focus on, the TAGS system and will include limited or no information on related products

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